Friday, April 22, 2011


FRIEND - DOKI from FRIEND on Vimeo.

The few days here with perfect weather I try to be outside all day.  Yesterday was one of those lucky days where I was graced with rays of Vitamin D.  I finally made it out to the Royal Botanic Gardens after running on the beach (which was glorious--please don't let my unheard voice sound nonchalant).  The place was huge and maybe one day I will get to see it all.  More than anything I enjoyed the vast array of colors and shapes, it was pretty visually inspiring.  Not to mention the fact that my lungs have been so thankful for the clean air here in Australia.  I didn't live in LA or anything...but still.

Ps. I hope any of you photographers out there enjoy the tid bit of a fact that I take my time exposing each picture manually.  Anyone I'm with when taking these pictures definitely doesn't.


  1. Danke! The pictures in this post are one of my favorites for some reason. Happy you like it!
