Monday, May 16, 2011


little Elly
Shaun, right
This post is for people I made friends with about one week ago today through a series of extremely random but even more fortunate events. I also hope they don't get offended I posted their Facebook profile pictures just so I could illustrate this story..yikes. Basically I met Elly and we hit it off ridiculously well.  I don't even have many girl friends back home that I can talk everything from movies to graphic novels with--it is the coolest ever. No, she's the coolest ever!  Our first day hanging we went to this really great tea and dessert place which had the most glorious cherry pie (she called it the Twin Peaks replica, so I smiled the entire time eating it and thinking of Kyle Maclachlan) and pineapple tea.   I wish I had more pictures because the wallpaper was this kelly green print that had caught my eye many a times passing by. After, we decided screw going home despite the fact it was a Monday night (which is apparently a hopping night to go out and as if I had anything else to do).  We went to a lounge for cider and ended up going out to a pretty great venue/bar where we bonded over some gin and tonics (both our drink of choice, great taste).  I got to meet her friends Katie and Shaun who are both the sweetest people.  The highlight of the night was dancing on stage proceeded by eventually getting kicked off the stage by an employee.  We simply could not be handled. 

Finally some people that get my sense of humor (or so I hope) and that I can have genuine conversation with and just chill [bro]. I feel pretty damn lucky I met all three of these gems. Oh so lucky.  I'm actually downplaying how excited I actually am: let me just say, I had never gone to a movie alone before Melbourne and before this I had gone to at least 4.  (I actually don't mind it now but just saying).  Can't wait for more good times ahead and for my pictures to be developed!

Also, Shaun showed me this Australian band, Tame Impala.  I would describe them as chill-delic.


  1. aww shucks!
    so glad we met, pretty sure you're the Coolest ever!

  2. I'm glad you're making friends, Gabby ;) Miss you, let's skype!
